Prevention of readmissions in people with heart failure thanks to education according to Gordon's Functional Models. Narrative literature review

Submitted: 19 November 2023
Accepted: 17 March 2024
Published: 28 March 2024
Abstract Views: 835
PDF (Italiano): 207
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Introduction: heart failure (HF) leads to high rates of hospital readmission: almost 60% of discharged subjects are re-hospitalized within a year of the first hospitalization. Education on managing the pathology upon discharge becomes essential to prevent this phenomenon.

Objectives: describe the educational topics, according to Gordon's Functional Models, to be included in the educational intervention to prevent the patient with HF from being readmitted to the hospital.

Materials and Methods: a narrative review of the literature was conducted by consulting the MEDLINE and CINHAL databases.

Results: 28 articles were included in the review. From analyzing the materials concerning the Functional Models, the literature found investigates 9 out of 11. The models not paid attention to by discharge education are Sexuality and Reproduction and Values and Beliefs. Furthermore, the literature has underlined how a personalized educational process at discharge helps prevent hospital readmissions due to exacerbation of the pathology.

Conclusions: Therapeutic education organized according to the Gordon Models could improve the effectiveness of the intervention in preventing readmissions for HF. The fact that all aspects of the person are included improves the quality of life and allows effective coexistence with the disease.




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How to Cite

Feletto, E., Mazzariol, E., & Moschetta, S. (2024). Prevention of readmissions in people with heart failure thanks to education according to Gordon’s Functional Models. Narrative literature review. Scenario® - Il Nursing Nella Sopravvivenza, 41(1).

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