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SCENARIO®. Il Nursing nella sopravvivenza (ISSN 1592-5951; ISSN Online 2239-6403) is the official journal of Aniarti (Italian Association Critical Care Nurses - The journal publishes in Italian, although articles in English are accepted; the journal encourages contributions from international collaborators and researchers from all specialisations involved in the care of the critically ill; authors are invited to submit manuscripts for peer-review. 
SCENARIO®. Il Nursing nella sopravvivenza publishes original articles, review articles, case reports, short reports, guest editorials, letters to editors, and editorials related to the practice, teaching and environment of nursing and the practice of evidence-based care.
  • From ICU to “I SEE YOU”: Introducing the family member in COVID-ICU

    Davide Bartoli, Francesca Trotta, Gianluca Pucciarelli, Francesco Petrosino
    PDF: 31
  • Perception and attitudes of critical care nurses on external urinary catheter securement and the prevalence of securement devices in critically ill patients

    Luciano Fioratti, Francesco Limonti, Pasquale Esposito, Rosaria Vaia, Luciano Gionti, Gianluca Marino, Francesco Gravante
    PDF: 115
  • The management of anaphylactic shock by an advanced nurse-led rescue vehicle: a case report

    Lorenzo Righi, Aurora Migliorini, Stefano Trapassi, Manuel Pinzi
    PDF (Italiano): 129
    PDF: 37
  • Utopia: an ideal reflection on nursing

    Silvia Scelsi
    PDF: 142
  • Evaluating nurses' knowledge in assisting stroke patients in emergency situations: a survey

    Federico Lattanzi, Betty Perticarini, Stefano Marcelli, Andrea Degano, Sara Leoperdi, Renato Rocchi
    PDF (Italiano): 200
    PDF: 113
  • Principles and tools of Lean Thinking for patient flow management in Emergency Rooms. A narrative review of literature

    Giulia Vainella, Gessica Angelini
    PDF (Italiano): 239
    PDF: 101
    Materiali Supplementari (Italiano): 110
    Supplementary Materials: 80
  • High flow nasal cannula comparison to non-invasive ventilation in severe burns patients with acute respiratory failure: a literature review protocol

    Giuseppe Napolitano, Francesco Gravante, Agostino Gravante, Filomena De Rosa, Francesco Coletta, Antonio Tomasello, Simone Esposito, Vincenzo Pota, Romolo Villani, Luciano Cecere
    PDF (Italiano): 222
  • Cross-sectional study on health professionals’ perception of effectiveness in conducting cardiopulmonary resuscitation on adults

    Dario Gavetti, Roberta Barbero, Gennaro Diciotto, Angelo Giglio, Daniela Inglima Modica, Eveline Andrada Nanescu, Grazia Papotti, Sara Tambone
    PDF: 127
    PDF (Italiano): 259
    Supplementary Materials: 96
    Materiali Supplementari (Italiano): 109