Project to validate an instrument for assessing the care complexity of the pediatric patient: the Gaslini Pediatric Nursing Score

Submitted: 7 June 2022
Accepted: 7 June 2022
Published: 7 June 2022
Abstract Views: 685
PDF (Italiano): 282
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A quality health service, in addition to having high-level requirements and operating safely, must organize resources effectively by providing for the assignment of patients to the appropriate care setting and the reorganization of resources based on their needs. Classifying patients according to their needs can provide useful information for the organization and delivery of nursing care. In the pediatric setting, several tools for classifying patients do not meet all the methodological-scientific criteria to be considered reliable and valid, or are difficult to apply in practice. Therefore, a tool (Gaslini Pediatric Nursing Score) was constructed to assess the complexity of pediatric nursing care required to meet needs, identified as core, of hospitalized children or adolescents and their families.



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How to Cite

Da Rin Della Mora, R., Calza, S., Subbrero, M., Tirone, R., Parodi, S., Pistorio, A., … Scelsi, S. (2022). Project to validate an instrument for assessing the care complexity of the pediatric patient: the <i>Gaslini Pediatric Nursing Score</i>. Scenario® - Il Nursing Nella Sopravvivenza, 39(2), 29–34.