Satisfaction of non-healthcare technical staff in the territorial emergency-urgency system after nurse training by simulation: a retrospective study

Submitted: 26 July 2021
Accepted: 26 July 2021
Published: 26 July 2021
Abstract Views: 340
PDF (Italiano): 128
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Didactics through simulation is increasingly assuming a central role in training courses in the health sector and sees the nurse as the protagonist in its delivery. The aim of this study is to assess the quality of the training provided by analysing the degree of satisfaction of non-healthcare technical personnel who took part in a training course based on the simulation of cases with the Territorial Emergency nurse of the Piacenza Local Health Unit as teacher.



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How to Cite

Zamardi, E., Sorrentino, D., Inglese, L., Beghi, M., Gandolfi, A., Nani, S., … Lucenti, E. (2021). Satisfaction of non-healthcare technical staff in the territorial emergency-urgency system after nurse training by simulation: a retrospective study. Scenario® - Il Nursing Nella Sopravvivenza, 38(2), 35–40.